Archive | Surveying

3 Main Types of Obstacles in Chaining of a Line | Land Survey | Surveying

The three main obstacles in chaining of a line are of the following types: 1. Chaining Free, Vision Obstructed 2. Chaining Obstructed, Vision Free 3. Chaining and Vision Both Obstructed. It sometimes happens that a survey line passes through some object such as a pond, a building, a river, a hedge etc. which prevents the direct measurement of that part [...]

By |2017-03-15T04:37:58+05:30March 15, 2017|Chain Surveying|Comments Off on 3 Main Types of Obstacles in Chaining of a Line | Land Survey | Surveying

Setting up the Plane Table: 3 Operations |Plane Table Surveying |Surveying

The setting up of the plane table includes three operations viz: 1. Levelling 2. Orientation 3. Centering. Operation # 1. Levelling: Place the table over the station-point and spread out legs to make it level and at a convenient height, preferably not above the elbow. Then oriented and centre the table approximately as explained in the following two operations and [...]

By |2017-03-15T04:37:57+05:30March 15, 2017|Plane Table Surveying|Comments Off on Setting up the Plane Table: 3 Operations |Plane Table Surveying |Surveying

Filed-Book: 2 Main Types of Filed-Book (With Diagram) | Chain Surveying | Surveying

There are two main types of the field-book: 1. Single Line Field-Book 2. Double line Field-Book. The field measurements, sketches and relevant notes are recorded for future reference in a note book, known as field-book. The field-book in general use is about 20cm * 12cm and opens length wise. Type # 1. Single Line Field-Book (Fig. 3.18, b): Every page [...]

By |2017-03-21T08:40:51+05:30March 15, 2017|Chain Surveying|Comments Off on Filed-Book: 2 Main Types of Filed-Book (With Diagram) | Chain Surveying | Surveying

Plane Table Surveying: Meaning, Advantages and Disadvantages |Surveying

After reading this article you will learn about: 1. Meaning of Plane Table Surveying 2. Advantages of Plane Table Surveying 3. Disadvantages 4. Equipment Needed 5. General Instructions 6. Errors 7. Testing and Adjusting. Contents: Meaning of Plane Table Surveying Advantages of Plane Table Surveying Disadvantages of Plane Table Surveying Equipment Needed in Plane Table Surveying General Instructions while Plane [...]

By |2017-03-15T04:37:57+05:30March 15, 2017|Plane Table Surveying|Comments Off on Plane Table Surveying: Meaning, Advantages and Disadvantages |Surveying

How to Plot a Chain Survey? | Chain Surveying | Surveying

Plotting means to represent on paper, to a suitable scale, the previously surveyed objects in accordance with their shape and size. Plotting is commenced after the field-work is over. The plotting of a chain survey is done in the following steps: (i) A suitable scale is chosen before starting the plotting work. The scale depends upon the importance of the [...]

By |2017-03-15T04:37:58+05:30March 15, 2017|Chain Surveying|Comments Off on How to Plot a Chain Survey? | Chain Surveying | Surveying

Right Angles and Foot of Perpendicular on the Lines | Chain Surveying | Surveying

This article throws light upon the top five instruments that are used for setting out right angles and finding the foot of perpendicular from the object on the lines. The instruments are: 1. Cross Staff 2. Optical Square 3. Prism Square 4. Offset Rod 5. Measuring Tape. Instrument # 1. Cross-Staff: It is generally found in two patterns: (i) Open [...]

By |2017-03-21T08:41:03+05:30March 15, 2017|Chain Surveying|Comments Off on Right Angles and Foot of Perpendicular on the Lines | Chain Surveying | Surveying

Prismatic and the Surveyor’s Compass: Difference | Compass Surveying |Surveying

The following are the points of differences between prismatic and surveyor’s types of compasses. Difference # Prismatic Compass: 1. The graduated ring being attached to the magnetic needle remains stationary when the compass-box and the sight vane is rotated. 2. The graduations are marked on the ring in a clock-wise direction with 0° or 360" at South end of the [...]

By |2017-03-15T04:37:58+05:30March 15, 2017|Compass Surveying|Comments Off on Prismatic and the Surveyor’s Compass: Difference | Compass Surveying |Surveying

Forms of Compass in Common Use | Compass Surveying | Surveying

There are two forms of the compass in common use: 1. The Prismatic Compass 2. The Surveyor's Compass. A compass is a small instrument which consists essentially of a mag­netic needle, a graduated circle and a line of sight. When the line of sight is directed towards a line, the magnetic needle points towards magnetic meridian and the angle which [...]

By |2017-03-15T04:37:58+05:30March 15, 2017|Compass Surveying|Comments Off on Forms of Compass in Common Use | Compass Surveying | Surveying

Using the Compass During Survey: 8 Precautions | Compass Surveying | Surveying

After reading this article you will learn about eight main precautions that should be taken while using a compass. Also learn about the sources of error in compass work. 1. The glass cover of the compass box gets charged with electricity when dusted off with a handkerchief or by the influence of electric charge in the atmosphere. Consequently, the needle [...]

By |2017-03-15T04:37:58+05:30March 15, 2017|Compass Surveying|Comments Off on Using the Compass During Survey: 8 Precautions | Compass Surveying | Surveying

Error Occurs in Compass Surveying of Land | Compass Surveying| Surveying

The compass ring is graduated to half a degree but the readings can be well estimated to 15 minutes, which means that the error of reading should not exceed 7½ minutes. But due to magnetic changes and variation of declination etc., the readings can seldom be relied upon to less than 10 minutes, therefore, the permissible error per bearing should [...]

By |2017-03-15T04:37:58+05:30March 15, 2017|Compass Surveying|Comments Off on Error Occurs in Compass Surveying of Land | Compass Surveying| Surveying
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