In this article we will discuss about the formula of emf equation.

When an alternating (sinusoidal) voltage is applied to the primary winding of a transformer, an alternating (sinusoidal) flux, as shown is Fig. 10.2., is set up in the iron core which links both the windings (primary and secondary windings).

Let ɸmax = Maximum value of flux in webers

And f = Supply frequency in hertz.


As illustrated in Fig. 10.2, the magnetic flux increases from zero to its maximum value ɸmax in one-fourth of a cycle i.e., in 1/4f second.

So average rate of change of flux, = dɸ/dt = ɸmax/1/4 f = 4 f ɸmax

Since average emf induced per turn in volts is equal to the average rate of change of flux.


So average emf induced per turn = 4 f ɸmax volts

Since flux ɸ varies sinusoidally, so emf induced will be sinusoidal and form factor for sinusoidal wave is 1.11 i.e., the rms or effective value is 1.11 times the average value.

... RMS value of emf induced per turn = 1.11 × 4 f ɸmax volts … (10.1)

If the number of turns on primary and secondary windings are N1 and N2 respectively, then


RMS value of emf induced in primary, E1 = EMF induced per turn × number of primary turns

= 4.44 f ɸmax × N1 = 4.44 f N1 ɸmax volts … (19.2)

Similarly rms value of emf induced in secondary, E2 = 4.44 f ɸmax × N2 volts … (10.3)

The above relations for emf induced in primary and secondary windings can be derived alternatively as below:


The instantaneous value of sinusoidally varying flux may be given as:

ɸ = ɸmax sin ω

... Instantaneous value of emf induced per turn = -dɸ/dt volts = – ω ɸmax cos ωt = ωɸmax sin (ωt – π/2) volts

It is clear from the above equation that the maximum value of emf induced per turn


= ω ɸmax = 2 π f ɸmax volts

... ω = 2 π f

And rms value of emf induced per turn = 1/√2 × 2 π f ɸmax = 4.44 f ɸmax volts

Hence rms value of emf induced in primary, E1 = 4.44 f N1 ɸmax volts

And rms value of emf induced in secondary, E2, = 4.44 f N2 ɸmax volts

In an ideal transformer the voltage drops in primary and secondary windings are negligible, so

EMF induced in primary winding, E = Applied voltage to primary, V1

And terminal voltage, V2 = EMF induced in secondary, E2


If Bmax is the maximum allowable flux density in Wb/m2 (or T) and a is the area of x-section of iron core in square metres, then in Eqs. (10.1), (10.2) and (10.3), ɸmax is given as-

ɸmax = Bmax a webers

Resistance and Leakage Reactance:

In preceding discussions we considered an ideal transformer, which according to our assumptions, has got no resistance in the windings and no leakage flux but in actual practice it is impossible to obtain such an ideal transformer.

In actual transformer both the windings, primary and secondary windings have finite resistances R1 and R2 which cause copper losses and voltage drop in them.

The result is that:

(i) The secondary terminal voltage V2 is less than the secondary induced emf E2 and is equal to phasor difference of secondary induced emf E2 and voltage drop in the secondary winding I2 R2, if magnetic leakage is negligible, i.e.

V2 = E2 – I2 R2

Where I2 is the secondary current and R2 is the secondary winding resistance.

(ii) Similarly the counter emf of primary – E1 is equal to phasor difference of voltage applied to the primary winding V1 and voltage drop in the primary winding I1 R1, provided magnetic leakage is negligible, i.e.,

– E1 = V1 – I1 R1

Where I1 is the primary current and R1 is the primary resistance.

It was previously assumed that the entire flux φ, developed by the primary winding, links with and cut every turn of both the primary and secondary windings. In practice, it is impossible to realize this condition.

However, part of the flux set up by the primary winding links only the primary turns, as illustrated in Fig. 10.12 by flux φL1. Also, some of the flux-set up by the secondary winding links only the secondary turns, as illustrated in Fig. 10.12 by φL2. These two fluxes φL1 and φL2 are known as leakage flux i.e., that flux which leaks out of the core and does not link both windings. The flux which does pass completely through the core and links both the windings is known as the mutual flux and is illustrated as φ.

The primary leakage flux φL1 linking with the primary winding is produced by primary ampere-turns only, therefore, it is proportional to primary current, number of primary turns being fixed.

On no load primary current is so small that leakage flux φL1 produced by it can be neglected but on load primary current increases resulting in increase in ampere-turns and hence leakage flux φL1 increases. The primary leakage flux φL1 is in phase with I1 and produces self-induced emf EL1 given by EL1 = 2 π f L1 I1 in primary winding, where L1 is the self-inductance of the primary winding produced by primary leakage flux φL1.

The self-induced emf EL1, due to primary leakage flux, in the primary winding must lag leakage flux φL1 and primary current I by 90°. The emf necessary to balance this counter emf is opposite and equal to it and, therefore, leads the primary current I1 by 90°. As this emf, induced by the primary leakage flux, is proportional to the current and lags it by 90°, it is nothing more than a reactance voltage and is denoted by – I1 X1.

The component of line voltage that balances this emf is + I1 X1. The effect of the primary leakage flux, therefore, is to induce an emf that opposes the flow of current to the transformer.

The reactance of the primary winding, X1 can be obtained by dividing self-induced emf EL1 by the primary current I1 i.e.:

Similarly secondary leakage flux φL2 is set up by secondary ampere-turns and is proportional to secondary current I2. On no load there is no current in secondary winding and, therefore, no leakage flux exists across the secondary winding on no load.

On load leakage flux φL2, in phase with secondary current I2 and produces self-induced emf EL2 = 2 π f L2I2 in the secondary winding where L2 is self-inductance of secondary winding due to leakage flux φL2. This is also a reactance voltage, and the component that balances it leads the secondary current by 90°.

The secondary reactance X2 opposes the current flowing out of the transformer and can be obtained by dividing self-induced emf in secondary winding, EL2 by the secondary current I2 i.e.:

The effect of magnetic leakage is, thus to produce in their respective windings emfs of self-inductance which are proportional to the current, and are, therefore, equivalent in effect to the addition of an inductive coil in series with each winding, the reactance of which is called the leakage reactance.

A transformer with magnetic leakage and winding resistance is equivalent to an ideal transformer (having no resistance and leakage reactance) having inductive and resistive coils connected in series with each winding as shown in Fig. 10.13.

Few important points to be kept in mind are given below:

1. The leakage flux links one or the other winding but not both, hence it in no way contributes to the transfer of energy from the primary winding to the secondary winding.

2. The applied voltage to the primary winding, V1 will have to meet the reactive drop I1 X1 in addition to I1 R1. Similarly induced emf in the secondary winding E2 will have to meet the resistive and reactive drops I2 R2, and I2 X2 respectively.

3. Transformation ratio is reduced due to resistance and magnetic leakage, since these reduce the secondary terminal voltage V2 on load for a given primary applied voltage V1.

4. The main useful flux φ decreases slightly with the increase in load but the leakage fluxes are practically proportional to the currents in the respective winding.

5. In actual transformers, the primary and secondary windings are not placed on separate legs, as shown in Fig. 10.1, as due to their being widely separate, large primary and secondary leakage fluxes would result. The leakage fluxes are reduced to a minimum by sectionalizing and inter­leaving the primary and secondary windings.