Tag Archives | Construction

Materials Used for the Construction of Roads: Methods, Process, Layers and Road Pavement

Materials Used for the Construction of Roads: Methods, Process, Layers and Road Pavement! A wide variety of materials are used in the construction of roads these are soils (naturally occurring or processed), aggregates (fine aggregates or coarse aggregates obtained from rocks), binders like lime, bituminous materials, and cement, and miscellaneous materials used as admixtures for improved performance of roads under [...]

By |2018-07-23T10:36:46+05:30July 23, 2018|Highway|Comments Off on Materials Used for the Construction of Roads: Methods, Process, Layers and Road Pavement

Concrete Roads: PQC, Methods of Construction and How it is Made

Concrete Roads: PQC, Methods of Construction and How it is Made! Introduction to Concrete Roads: Concrete roads fall under the category of high quality/superior type of roads built with cement concrete. These pavements may or may not be provided with sub-base/base courses, and they may be constructed directly over a well-compacted soil subgrade. They derive their strength to support the [...]

By |2018-07-23T10:36:45+05:30July 23, 2018|Highway Construction|Comments Off on Concrete Roads: PQC, Methods of Construction and How it is Made

How to Design and Construct Tubewells? | Ground Water | Geography

Everything you need to learn about designing and constructing tubewells. Design of Wells: The design of a tubewell includes decision on: 1. Location of the well, 2. Type of well, 3. Method of construction, 4. Selection of the strata to be screened, length, diameter and material of the screen in case of strainer wells, 5. Diameter, size of slots and [...]

By |2018-05-15T06:18:36+05:30May 15, 2018|Tubewells|Comments Off on How to Design and Construct Tubewells? | Ground Water | Geography

How to Construct Tube Wells? | Groundwater | Water Engineering

In this article we will discuss about how to construct tube wells. Construction of Shallow Tube Wells: Shallow tube wells are constructed by boring, driving and jetting. The wells constructed by these methods are designated as bored wells, driven wells and jetted wells. These methods are briefly described below: (i) Bored Wells: Where, water table exists at a shallow depth [...]

By |2018-05-15T06:16:04+05:30May 15, 2018|Tube Wells|Comments Off on How to Construct Tube Wells? | Groundwater | Water Engineering

List of 14 Common Building Stones | Civil Engineering

Common building stones, their compositions, properties, uses and occurrence are given below: 1. Granite: Composition: It is igneous rock. Its main constituent minerals are Quartz, (hard and least affected by carbon dioxide and water) Felspar (crystalline, lustrous, readily attacked by atmospheric agencies) and Mica (dark grey, black or brown in colour, soft, readily affected by chemicals and atmospheric agencies). Characteristics: [...]

By |2018-04-21T07:54:26+05:30April 21, 2018|Building Stones|Comments Off on List of 14 Common Building Stones | Civil Engineering

Steel: Production, Properties and Protection | Civil Engineering

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Steel ā€“ A Construction Material 2. Production of Steel 3. Properties 4. Fire Protection 5. Fatigue Effect 6. Brittle Fracture 7. Corrosion Protection 8. Structural Steel Products 9. Sectional Properties 10. Structural Idealization 11. Structural Elements 12. Structural Design. Steel ā€“ A Construction Material: Steel is the most commonly used structural metal, [...]

By |2018-02-12T15:36:32+05:30February 12, 2018|Civil Engineering|Comments Off on Steel: Production, Properties and Protection | Civil Engineering

How to Determine Loads while Designing a Steel Structure ? | Construction

Determination of the loads for which a structure has to be proportioned is an important task in a design. The various loads that are likely to act on a structure and the possible combinations of such loads that can act are all points to be considered. Dead load refers to the weight of a structure. It is necessary to estimate [...]

By |2018-02-12T15:36:32+05:30February 12, 2018|Steel Structure|Comments Off on How to Determine Loads while Designing a Steel Structure ? | Construction

Welding of Steel: Principle, Defects and Advantages | Civil Engineering

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Principle of Welding of Steel 2. Standard Welding Processes of Steel 3. Defects 4. Inspection 5. Welding Positions 6. General Considerations 7. Economy 8. Advantages and Disadvantages. Principle of Welding of Steel: Welding is a process of connecting metal parts by fusion. Arc welding and oxy-acetylene welding are the two usual methods [...]

By |2018-02-12T15:36:32+05:30February 12, 2018|Steel Structure|Comments Off on Welding of Steel: Principle, Defects and Advantages | Civil Engineering

Tension Members in Structural Frame | Steel Structure | Civil Engineering

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Introduction to Tension Members in Structural Frame 2. General Considerations of a Tension Member 3. Slenderness Ratio 4. Block Shear Failure and Shear Drag 5. Failure Modes 6. Design Strength 7. Factors Affecting the Design 8. Positioning of Bolts Introduction to Tension Members in Structural Frame: A tension member is a member [...]

By |2018-02-12T15:36:32+05:30February 12, 2018|Steel Structure|Comments Off on Tension Members in Structural Frame | Steel Structure | Civil Engineering

Tension Members: Types and Design | Steel Structure | Civil Engineering

In this article we will discuss about the types and design of tension members used in steel structures. Types of Tension Members: 1. Minor Types of Tension Members: A. Bars and Rods: These are commonly attached to other members by bolting or welding. These are slender and are meant to resist tension only. These minor tension members are of the [...]

By |2018-02-12T15:36:31+05:30February 12, 2018|Steel Structure|Comments Off on Tension Members: Types and Design | Steel Structure | Civil Engineering
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