Tag Archives | Grinding Wheels

Grinding Wheels: Manufacture and Grade | Industries | Metallurgy

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Manufacture of Grinding Wheels 2. Processes of Grinding Wheels 3. Grade 4. Structure 5. Area of Contact. Manufacture of Grinding Wheels: (i) The abrasive particles are first crushed to powder form and passed over magnetic separators for removing iron impurities. (ii) These are then washed with water to remove foreign elements like [...]

By |2017-07-24T11:54:21+05:30July 24, 2017|Grinding|Comments Off on Grinding Wheels: Manufacture and Grade | Industries | Metallurgy

Abrasive Particles Used for Grinding Wheels | Industries | Metallurgy

Abrasive particles used for grinding wheels are of two types viz.: 1. Natural Abrasive and 2. Artificial Abrasive. Generally for most of the purposes, natural abrasives are not used due to certain advantages of artificial (manufactured) abrasive. Natural Abrasives: These are produced by uncontrolled forces of nature. The following are the generally found and used natural abrasives: (a) Sand stone [...]

By |2017-07-24T11:54:21+05:30July 24, 2017|Grinding|Comments Off on Abrasive Particles Used for Grinding Wheels | Industries | Metallurgy

Selection of Grinding Wheels | Machining | Industries | Metallurgy

In this article we will discuss about the factors to be considered while selecting grinding wheels. Selection of Grinding Wheels: The proper selection of grinding wheels is very important for getting good results (i.e. obtaining better finish and at the same time having more life of the wheel). In order to meet all these requirements, the various elements that influence [...]

By |2017-07-24T11:54:15+05:30July 24, 2017|Grinding|Comments Off on Selection of Grinding Wheels | Machining | Industries | Metallurgy
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