Tag Archives | Industries

Cost Analysis of Power Plants

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Generation Cost of Power Plants 2. Fixed and Operating Costs of Power Plants 3. Interest and Depreciation. Generation Cost of Power Plants: The generation cost can, broadly be divided as follows: 1. Fixed Cost: The annual fixed cost consists of the in­terest on the total investment, all types of taxes and insurance [...]

By |2017-12-07T10:36:11+05:30December 7, 2017|Cost Analysis|Comments Off on Cost Analysis of Power Plants

Cost of Generating Electrical Energy: 3 Types

In general the cost of generating electrical energy can be divided into the following three elements: 1. Fixed Cost 2. Semi-Fixed Cost 3. Running or Operating Cost. Type # 1. Fixed Cost: This cost is independent of maximum demand and energy output. It is due to the annual cost of central organisation, interest on the capital cost of land (es­pecially [...]

By |2017-12-07T10:36:11+05:30December 7, 2017|Electrical Energy|Comments Off on Cost of Generating Electrical Energy: 3 Types

Determining Depreciation of Power Plants: 3 Methods

Depreciation is the most important item in the fixed costs and it represents the reduction in the value of the equipment and other property of the plant every year due to continuous wear and tear and also due to obsolescence. The first factor can be reduced by proper maintenance of the equipment and the buildings, but the second factor is [...]

By |2017-12-07T10:36:10+05:30December 7, 2017|Depreciation|Comments Off on Determining Depreciation of Power Plants: 3 Methods

Automation of Cold Rolling Mill | Metals | Industries | Metallurgy

For obtaining extremely narrow thickness tolerances and good strip flatness, six-high roll mill is preferred because of the facility of positioning the intermediate rolls and also the facility for positive/negative bending of both the work and intermediate rolls. For automation of such a mill, the electrical and hydraulic screw down equipment has to be optimised. Various controls necessary are: (i) [...]

By |2017-11-09T17:50:08+05:30November 9, 2017|Rolling Mills|Comments Off on Automation of Cold Rolling Mill | Metals | Industries | Metallurgy

Automation: Definition and Advantages | Machine Tools | Engineering

In this article we will discuss about the definition and advantages of automation. Definition of Automation: Automation could be defined as the technology dealing with design of machine tools and systems utilising electronics and computer systems to produce the final product at minimum cost, involving minimum labour intervention, producing components of high accuracy and desired tolerances repeatedly without causing rejections. [...]

By |2017-11-09T17:50:07+05:30November 9, 2017|Machine Tools|Comments Off on Automation: Definition and Advantages | Machine Tools | Engineering

Nomenclature Tools Used for Cutting Metals | Industries | Metallurgy

In Fig. 12.73, the profile angle is the angle formed by the sides of the nose of the tool (or by the cutting edge and the following or relief edge); the front rake is the amount of slope from the cutting edge back towards the body or shank of the tool; the side rake is the side slope given to [...]

By |2017-11-09T17:50:07+05:30November 9, 2017|Metal Cutting|Comments Off on Nomenclature Tools Used for Cutting Metals | Industries | Metallurgy

Integrated Quality Assurance of Products | Industrial Engineering

In this article we will discuss about the meaning and quality requirements of integrated quality assurance. Meaning of Integrated Quality Assurance (QA): The success of computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM) to a great extent depends on integrated quality assurance (QA) into the process. It is being realised that QA has to be an intimate element of every step in the design/ manufacturing/distribution [...]

By |2017-11-09T17:50:06+05:30November 9, 2017|Production|Comments Off on Integrated Quality Assurance of Products | Industrial Engineering

Mounting a Grind­ing Wheel: 13 Precautions | Metallurgy

Precautions to be taken before mounting a grind­ing wheel: In the interest of satisfactory operation and safety, it is important that grinding wheels are mounted correctly on the machine and before mounting they should be examined for any defects. 1. The wheel should be first examined for any flaw or crack which, under stresses set up due to high speed [...]

By |2017-11-09T17:50:05+05:30November 9, 2017|Grinding|Comments Off on Mounting a Grind­ing Wheel: 13 Precautions | Metallurgy

Wheel Truing and Dressing of a Grinding Wheel | Industries | Metallurgy

In this article we will discuss about wheel truing and dressing of a grinding wheel in the industries. Wheel Truing: Wheel truing is defined as act of restoring the cutting face of a grinding wheel by removing the abrasive material from the cutting face and sides of the wheel, so that it will run true with respect to the axis [...]

By |2017-11-09T17:50:05+05:30November 9, 2017|Grinding|Comments Off on Wheel Truing and Dressing of a Grinding Wheel | Industries | Metallurgy

Friction in Metal Cutting (With Diagram) | Industries | Metallurgy

The behaviour of chip on rake face of the tool caught the attention of many investigators because it was found that the value of coefficient of friction at tool chip interface is very high. It has been established that the normal stress on the interface due to the cutting force reaches such a high value that yielding occurs and the [...]

By |2017-10-24T05:51:46+05:30October 24, 2017|Metal Cutting|Comments Off on Friction in Metal Cutting (With Diagram) | Industries | Metallurgy
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