Tag Archives | Water Engineering

How to Measure Flow of Water in Open Channels? | Water Engineering

The different methods available for measuring water in open channels may be grouped as: 1. Velocity-area methods, and 2. Direct discharge methods. 1. Velocity-Area Methods: In these methods the velocity of flow in the channel is measured by some means and the discharge is calculated from the velocity and the area of cross-section by using Q=AV. The common methods for [...]

By |2018-05-15T06:18:37+05:30May 15, 2018|Open Channels|Comments Off on How to Measure Flow of Water in Open Channels? | Water Engineering

How to Measure Flow of Water in Pipes? | Water Engineering

Several methods are available for measuring flow in pipes. Only a few of them which can be used on the farm are discussed here: 1. Volumetric Measurements: Flow measurements by this method are made by measuring the time required for the flow to fill a container of known volume. Volume divided by time is equal to the rate of flow. [...]

By |2018-05-15T06:18:37+05:30May 15, 2018|Measurements|Comments Off on How to Measure Flow of Water in Pipes? | Water Engineering

How to Remove Colour, Odour and Taste from Water? | Water Engineering

In this article we will discuss about how to remove colour, odour and taste from water. Aeration: Aeration is a process in which water is brought in intimate contact with atmospheric air to promote exchange of gases between water and atmospheric air. The aeration of water serves the following purposes: (i) In the course of aeration, oxygen from atmospheric air [...]

By |2018-05-15T06:16:04+05:30May 15, 2018|Water Treatment|Comments Off on How to Remove Colour, Odour and Taste from Water? | Water Engineering

Water Demand: Estimating and Variations | Water Engineering

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Estimating the Water Demand for a Town or City 2. Variations in the Rate of Demand of Water 3. Effect of Variations in Demand of Water. Estimating the Water Demand for a Town or City: For estimating the water demand or the quantity of water required for a town or city the [...]

By |2018-05-15T06:16:04+05:30May 15, 2018|Water Demand|Comments Off on Water Demand: Estimating and Variations | Water Engineering

Well: Interference and Flow | Groundwater | Water Engineering

In this article we will discuss about interference among wells and flow in a well. Interference among Wells: If two or more wells are located so close to each other that when they are discharging their drawdown curves intersect then one well is said to interfere with the other. Observations indicate that due to the interference of wells the discharge [...]

By |2018-05-15T06:16:04+05:30May 15, 2018|Wells|Comments Off on Well: Interference and Flow | Groundwater | Water Engineering

Water Demand for a Town or City: 5 Types | Water Engineering

The various types of water demands for a town or city may be divided into the following five categories: 1. Domestic Water Demand 2. Commercial and Industrial Water Demand 3. Demand for Civic or Public Use 4. Fire Demand 5. Loss and Waste of Water. In order to estimate the total water demand of a town or city it is [...]

By |2018-05-15T06:16:04+05:30May 15, 2018|Water Demand|Comments Off on Water Demand for a Town or City: 5 Types | Water Engineering

Well: Shrouding and Development | Groundwater | Water Engineering

In this article we will discuss about well shrouding and well development. Well Shrouding: The shrouding is a layer of coarse material such as gravel and coarse sand interposed in the annular space between the well pipe and the aquifer soil. The shrouding prevents the finer particles of the soil coming in contact with the strainer and choking it, acts [...]

By |2018-05-15T06:16:04+05:30May 15, 2018|Wells|Comments Off on Well: Shrouding and Development | Groundwater | Water Engineering

How to Construct Tube Wells? | Groundwater | Water Engineering

In this article we will discuss about how to construct tube wells. Construction of Shallow Tube Wells: Shallow tube wells are constructed by boring, driving and jetting. The wells constructed by these methods are designated as bored wells, driven wells and jetted wells. These methods are briefly described below: (i) Bored Wells: Where, water table exists at a shallow depth [...]

By |2018-05-15T06:16:04+05:30May 15, 2018|Tube Wells|Comments Off on How to Construct Tube Wells? | Groundwater | Water Engineering

How to Determine the Yield of an Open Well?: 2 Tests | Water Engineering

The yield of an open well can be found by the following two practical methods or yield tests: 1. Constant Level Pumping Test 2. Recuperation Test. 1. Constant Level Pumping Test: In this test water is pumped from the open well so that the water level in the well is depressed by an amount h known as depression head (or [...]

By |2018-05-15T06:16:04+05:30May 15, 2018|Open Well|Comments Off on How to Determine the Yield of an Open Well?: 2 Tests | Water Engineering

How to Determine Capacity of a Storage Reservoir? | Water Engineering

The capacity of a storage reservoir is determined on the basis of the inflow to the reservoir and the demand of the consumers (or the yield of the reservoir). The following two methods are generally used for determining the capacity of a storage reservoir: 1. Analytical Method: In this method an analysis of demand and inflow of water per month [...]

By |2018-05-15T06:16:04+05:30May 15, 2018|Storage Reservoir|Comments Off on How to Determine Capacity of a Storage Reservoir? | Water Engineering
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