After reading this article you will learn about the difficulties faced during ranging simple curves.

Case I:

When the point of intersection of the tangents is inaccessible Fig. (11.17):

It so commonly happens that the intersection point (B) becomes inaccessessible due to obstacle like lake, river or wood etc.


Let AB and BC be the two tangents intersection at the point B, and T1and T2 the tangent points. Since the intersections point (B) is used for measuring the deflection angle (ɸ) and also for locating the tangent points T1 and T2, the field- work be arranged to measure ɸ and to locate T1and T2without going at B.

Point of Intersection of the Tangents is Inaccessible


(i) Select two indivisible points M and N suitably on the tangents AB and BC respectively and measure MN accurately.


(ii) Measure the angles AMN (α) and CNM (β) by setting the theodolite at M and N respectively.

(iii) Solve the ∆ BMN by the sine rule for the distance BM and BN.

(iv) Calculate the tangent lengths BT1 = BT= R tan φ/2


(v) Now the distance MT1 = BT1-BM  and NT2 = BT2-BN

(vi) Measure the distance MT1 from M along BA, thus locating the first tangent point T1. Similarly locate T2 by measuring NT2 from N along BC.

When a clear line MN is not available, a traverse is run between M and N to find the length and bearing of the line MN. Then from the known bearings of the tangents and the calculated bearing of the line MN, calculate the angles α and β and proceed as above.


Case II:

When the complete curve cannot be set out from the starting point due to the obstructed vision (Fig. 11.18):  

When the curve is short and the ground is free from obstructions like buildings, trees etc., the whole curve can be set out from the first tangent point (T1). However it is not always possible to have short curves and ground free from obstacles. In such cases the instrument has to be set up at one or more points along the curve. The following procedure may be adopted in such cases.



Let D, E, F, G, H etc. be the points on the curve, and G is the last point located from the instrument at T1 when it is found necessary to shift the instrument. Let deflection angle for G be ∆4, then deflection angle for the next point H should be Δ5.

(i) Shift the instrument and set it up at G.

(ii) Set the vernier A to zero, take a back sight on T1 and transit the telescope. The line of sight is thus directed along GG’ i.e. along T1 G produced.

(iii) Loose the upper clamp and set the vernier to read the deflection angle ∆5, thus directing the line of sight along GH. [By Geometry, G’GH = BT1H. (Please see proof at the end)].

(iv) Locate H by measuring a distance equal to chord length along GH.

(v) Then using the same tabulated deflection angles, continue the setting out of the curve from G as usual.

For using the above method, the instrument should be in perfect adjustment.

Alternative Method:

Suppose G is last point located from the instrument at T1.

(i) When the instrument is at T1, fix a point G’ in line T, G produced.

(ii) Shift the instrument to G, set the vernier to zero and bisect G

(iii) Loosen the vernier plate and set the vernier to ∆5 for locating the next point H.


Draw the tangent G1 GG2 at G meeting the first tangent at G1 and produce TG of G.  

Case III:

When an obstacle intervenes on the curve (fig.11.19): 

Suppose the first three points have been located from T1 in the usual manner, F being the last point located on the curve and the chaining is obstructed between F & G. Let H be the next point on the curve which is visible from T1, and ∆5 is its total deflection angle.

Obstacle Intervenes on the Curve


(i) Calculate length of the chord T1H by the relation T1H = 2R sin ∆5.

(ii) Set the vernier to the deflection angle ∆5, the line of sight is thus directed along T1H. Measure the distance T1H along this direction, thus fixing the point H on the curve.

(iii) Locate the remaining points as usual. The point G which was left, will be located after removing the obstruction.

Alternatively, set out the curve T2G in the reverse direction from T2.

Example 3:

A railway curve is to tangential to each of the following line:

Find the radius of the curve and the tangents lengths.


Refer to fig 11.22: 

∠ABC= Bearing of BA-Bering of BC

=180°- 90° =90°

∠BCD= Bearing of CB-Bearing of CD

=270°-140° = 130°

Let the bisectors of the angle ABC and BCD meet at O which is then the center of the curve, From O draw perpendicular OT1 ,OT2 and OT 3 to AB,BC and CD respectively.T1,T2and T3are the tangent points.
